









Accelerate Growth with Wallet Marketing

Accelerate Growth with Wallet Marketing

Accelerate Growth with Wallet Marketing

Accelerate Growth with Wallet Marketing

Accelerate Growth with Wallet Marketing

Discover insights and find target users based on on-chain and off-chain activity.

Discover insights and find target users based on on-chain and off-chain activity.

Discover insights and find target users based on on-chain and off-chain activity.

Discover insights and find target users based on on-chain and off-chain activity.

Discover insights and find target users based on on-chain and off-chain activity.

Understand your users

Understand your users

Understand your users

Understand your users

Understand your users

bagel enables you learn more about your token holders through a simple search.
You can filter by NFTs & ERC-20s owned, X accounts and more.

bagel enables you learn more about your token holders through a simple search. You can filter by NFTs & ERC-20s owned, X accounts and more.

bagel enables you learn more about your token holders through a simple search.
You can filter by NFTs & ERC-20s owned, X accounts and more.

bagel enables you learn more about your token holders through a simple search.
You can filter by NFTs & ERC-20s owned, X accounts and more.

bagel enables you learn more about your token holders through a simple search. You can filter by NFTs & ERC-20s owned, X accounts and more.

Discover insights

Discover insights

Discover insights

Discover insights

Discover insights

On-chain analysis for marketers has never been easier.
Discover insights from dashboards and turn complex data into meaningful decisions.

On-chain analysis for marketers has never been easier. Discover insights from dashboards and turn complex data into meaningful decisions.

On-chain analysis for marketers has never been easier.
Discover insights from dashboards and turn complex data into meaningful decisions.

On-chain analysis for marketers has never been easier.
Discover insights from dashboards and turn complex data into meaningful decisions.

On-chain analysis for marketers has never been easier. Discover insights from dashboards and turn complex data into meaningful decisions.

Direct approach to users

Direct approach to users

Direct approach to users

Direct approach to users

Direct approach to users

bagel lets you send messages directly to crypto wallets and X.
It's not just about analyzing on-chain data, but also about approaching users based on insights.

bagel lets you send messages directly to crypto wallets and X.
It's not just about analyzing on-chain data, but also about approaching users based on insights.

bagel lets you send messages directly to crypto wallets and X. It's not just about analyzing on-chain data, but also about approaching users based on insights.

bagel lets you send messages directly to crypto wallets and X. It's not just about analyzing on-chain data, but also about approaching users based on insights.

bagel lets you send messages directly to crypto wallets and X. It's not just about analyzing on-chain data, but also about approaching users based on insights.






© 2023 CUSHY Technologies, Inc.

© 2023 CUSHY Technologies, Inc.

© 2023 CUSHY Technologies, Inc.

© 2023 CUSHY Technologies, Inc.

© 2023 CUSHY Technologies, Inc.